Be Equipped

Feminist Views

Jonnay Wilkinson
January 12, 2025
5 minute read
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How releasing feminist views can set you free spiritually.

Be Independent. Don't rely on anyone for help. You don't need a man to do anything in life

These are all statements that are injected into the 21st-century woman from social
media, other women, and society in general.

Women have gone through hell and back to earn their respect and rights within society. Men have done nothing but undermine, diminish, and ridicule women from the very beginning so it’s about time we take control and fire back at them. We don’t need men to do anything in life, and EVERYTHING can be achieved without them, right?

Well, that was my idea of feminism and women empowerment. Reducing the need for a man’s assistance to boost ourselves up and get back at them for years of sexism.

I felt liberated. I was being praised by other women for adopting this #girlpower mentality not realizing I was deviating from God’s word and chipping away at my spirituality.

Feminism creates separation, competition, and hostility between us and men. It creates a huge divide between us when in reality God wants unity.

This is probably why the modern relationship does not last. Statistically 60% of modern relationships and marriages end up failing. This is because we as a society, have deviated from God’s word. Gender roles have been blurred, and pride has entered the chat.

Think back to your own relationships? How many arguments could’ve been avoided if you practiced humility and let a man take on some of the roles? Next time you’re on social media, try to spot some feminist ideologies on relationships. How do you think it makes men feel? And more importantly, how do you think it makes God feel?

The bible is the greatest life manual that we could ever read, and we as women have clear instructions on how to conduct ourselves in relationships, and in life. Women are required to submit to our husbands out of respect, something that potentially clashes with feminist ideologies.

Ephesians 5:22: Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.

In this verse, we can clearly see there is clear direction from God on how we should conduct ourselves. Most feminists would argue that this causes division, when in fact it creates order and stability. Ephesians 5:25 gives men a clear direction too. It says

‘Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for her.'

When both men and women fulfill the roles it creates solidarity, unity, and peace. Do not let feminism feed you the idea that submission to your husband is wrong or makes you less of a woman. God made it this way for a reason, watch your life transform as you walk in obedience as a woman of Christ.

Coming from a feminist background, I was under the impression that women were seen as less in the bible, I was wrong. God makes it clear that women are loved and are to be treated with respect.

1 Timothy 3:11: In the same way, the women are to be worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.

This shows you that becoming a woman of Christ does not devalue you in any way or threaten your womanhood. Stop paying attention to what society says about womanhood and focus on the clear guidelines we have been given from God.

Don’t strive to be the perfect 21st century woman, strive to be a proverbs 31 woman. Societies standards are forever changing, but God’s word will always stand.

Begin to erase all feminist ideologies, walk in obedience, and allow God to work in yourrelationships, and in your life.

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